Aire de camping-car du tennis Saint Jean de Côle
Parking du tennis
Latitude : 45.4196959 - Longitude : 0.84097924
Capacity : camping pitchs
Situated in "One of the Most Beautiful Villages in France", the camping car park is in a quiet and peaceful location. You can visit the medieval village, enjoy a good meal in one of the restaurants or even have a drink after a nice walk on the Voie Verte or the hiking trails.
Maximum parking time: unlimited
Lighted locations.
Prices :
Parking: free
Access to the water point: 3€ per token
Access to the emptying point: free
Electricity connection: 3€ per token
Pets allowed
Comforts / Facilities
Equipments :
- Service terminals
- Water
- Electricity
- Wastewater drainage